After losing several loved ones in the past couple of years, I now understand the need for traditional, everybody look at the camera, portraits. Man, they can be so annoying to sit through, especially those extended family ones that feel more like herding cats than creating a cherished memory for posterity. However, these large group portraits have a special place in my home, because they remind me of where I come from and how much l love everyone in these photos. Just this morning while looking at a group family photo, I mentally said hello to my grandma and grandpa, who both have recently passed away.

After years of photographing weddings and family portraits, I’ve gotten pretty good at making these large, extended family photos quick and painless. I’d dare say that sometimes my clients even have a little fun during the process. I tend to not spend so much time posing each person and go for simple groupings so people’s smiles and faces are relaxed and real. Simple, but effective. (Of course, I can get a little arty, if I become inspired like the silhouetted family shot below.)

Here are some examples.

I also love to take a lot of candids and smaller grouping portraits in addition to the larger group portraits. (See the grandfather walking his granddaughter above.) Stay tuned for another post on behind-the-scenes hijinks I’ve captured in the past. If you are having a large family reunion, holiday gathering, or both sides of the family meeting your newborn, please contact me for more info.